The Power of Listening In Physical Therapy

The Power of Listening In Physical Therapy


Gold Coast Physical Therapy is a patient-centric physical therapy and balance center that prioritizes active listening as a fundamental component of its patient care philosophy. When a patient arrives, Gold Coast Physical Therapy’s experienced and highly trained clinicians take the time to listen carefully to their concerns and goals. By actively listening to patients, GCPT is able to provide high-quality care that is not only effective but also compassionate and empathetic.

Here are 5 tips to help you become a better listener:

  1. Avoid multitasking: With so much going on, it is too easy to be distracted. Remind yourself to be where your feet are, and to communicate time constraints in advance if needed in order to stay present with the person.
  2. Practice active listening: To hear and understand what the speaker is saying, try asking questions, paraphrasing, and providing feedback.
  3. Keep an open mind: Listening fully prior to giving your own thoughts will allow others to express their thoughts and feelings without hesitation.
  4. Show that you are listening: Nonverbal cues such as nodding or making eye contact help to indicate that you are following along.
  5. Empathize: Truly putting yourself in another’s shoes helps you to understand their perspective and be more compassionate.

By keeping these tips in mind, it helps us to become better listeners and improve our relationships with patients and care givers.


We Show we are Listening

We make eye contact and provide verbal feedback, such as summarizing what the patient has said or asking clarifying questions.

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