Are you struggling with pain down your leg? Did you injure your back when bending and lifting? You could be suffering from a herniated disc.
The good news is that at Gold Coast Physical Therapy, you can get the treatment you need without resorting to major surgery or relying on heavy painkilling drugs. A disc is a soft pad between each of the spine’s vertebrae. The disc acts as a spacer and shock absorber and facilitates movement in the spine. A herniated disc occurs when the inner portion of the disc pushes through a crack in the disc’s outer wall.
A herniated disc doesn’t always cause symptoms. Still, when it does, it can prevent you from playing your favorite sport, driving comfortably, performing your essential job tasks, or even getting a decent night’s sleep. Here at GCPT, we can employ conservative treatment techniques to help you ease pressure on your spine and regain lost function in your neck, back, or extremities. Contact us today and let us look at how you can conquer your herniated disc issues the natural way.
Signs and symptoms of a herniated disc
A herniated disc is the result of a weakness or breach in the disc’s outer casing. This leads to the inner disc material extending outward. The bulging section of a herniated disc may cause no symptoms as long it makes no contact with the surrounding spinal structure. If the disc pushes against nerve roots or causes inflammation of the nerve roots, it can interfere with the normal passage of nerve signals. This disruption causes you to experience low back pain, neck pain, and nerve symptoms in your arms or legs.
People with a herniated disc will often describe the following symptoms:
- Pain
- Tightness and restrictions in movement especially bending or rotating
- Numbness and/or tingling
- Weakness in the arms or legs
- Limping when walking
- Increased pain when coughing, sneezing, or straining
- Inability to stand up straight (i.e., “stuck” stooped forward or to the side)
- Difficulty getting up from sitting
- Inability to remain in a position due to pain
- Pain that is worse in the morning and with prolonged sitting
Treatment Options for Herniated Disk
Physical therapy can do wonders to relieve your herniated disc symptoms and help you ward off future bouts of pain or nerve problems. Your physical therapist will start by evaluating your condition carefully. We will discuss your medical history and any specific incident (such as a heavy-lifting mishap) that may have herniated a disc and analyze your symptoms in detail.
Your personalized treatment prescription may call for a mix of physical therapy techniques.
For instance, if your herniated disc has caused your back or neck muscles to seize up painfully, you may benefit from massage therapy to ease those spasms and make your muscles limber enough to exercise.
Ice, heat, and laser treatments can also reduce pain and inflammation to the tissues surrounding your spine. Physical therapy exercises like core exercises help you build strength and stability in your lower back, thus reducing your pain and improving your function. Mobility exercises also help improve your range of motion and reduce your risks for future neck or disc-related injuries.
Anything you can do to keep musculoskeletal stresses and strains at a minimum will help you ward off disc issues in the future. We may recommend lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, proper nutrition, or improved workplace ergonomics to help you protect your spine.
Are you ready to take non-surgical action against your herniated disc symptoms? If so, contact Gold Coast Physical Therapy today to schedule an evaluation. We can guide you through a safe, practical plan for regaining your quality of life!
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Contact Gold Coast Physical Therapy clinic today!