Safety Overhead Support System Benefits Vestibular Patients

GCPT After SOS Safety Overhead System

S.O.S. is an overhead harness support system consisting of an overhead track and moveable trolly that allows the patient, while secured in a simple body harness, the freedom to ambulate, perform functional types of activities, and fall with minimal risk of injury.

Preventing Vestibular Disorders with Physical Therapy

Mike Graves FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Center Palm Beach County

We are honored to be in Wellington The Magazine. Find out how FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers are preventing needless suffering and do all in their power to help seniors flourish.

Managing Challenges in an Aging Vestibular System – Study

Balance Treatment

A Study on Rehabilitation Strategies Normalize Balance Function in a Cohort of Patients Up to 99 Years! A person is often unaware of their balance challenge and its potential impact on fall risk and subsequent injury.

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